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Redeeming trade codes to acquire specific Pokémon has always been a practice that many players indulge in while playing any of the mainstream Pokémon games, and this is also the case with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Fortunately, we already have a plethora of codes available for the recently released Generation IX games that players can utilize.
For any trainer looking to trade their Pokémon for a new one to add to their party, including Foreign Dittos, version exclusives, and more, we’ve compiled a list of the best online trade codes for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Best trade codes for The Teal Mask

These trade codes correspond with the number associated with the Pokemon. You can input these, and have a good chance of encountering the Pokemon, making it easier to narrow down what you’d like to exchange with other players. You can also visit the live trading chat on Reddit to see if there are any trainers that you can meet with to exchange Pokemon in The Teal Mask. Online trade codes that are currently redeemable in the game are listed below.
- 0033-0036 – Applin & Dipplin
- 0037-0038 – Vulpix & Ninetales
- 0039-0042 – Poliwag & Politoed
- 0068-0069 – Phantump & Trevenant
- 0076-0077 – Poltchageist & Sinistcha
- 0078-0079 – Growlithe & Arcanine
- 0080-0082 – Geodude & Golem
- 0085-0087 – Timburr & Conkeldurr
- 0107-0108 – Nosepass & Probopass
- 0118-0120 – Gastly & Gengar
- 0121-0122 – Gligar & Gliscor
- 0139-0141- Duskull & Dusknoir
- 0146-0148 – Litwick & Chandelure
- 0158-0159 – Feebas & Milotic
- 0196 – Bloodmoon Ursaluna
- 0197 – Okidogi
- 0198 – Monkidori
- 0199 – Fezandipiti
- 0200 – Ogerpon
Best trade codes for Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
These are the trainer codes for many of the standard Pokemon in Scarlet & Violet that you can find in the base game. You may find a good amount of overlap with the previous ones, but more players are likely looking for the ones in the Teal Mask rather than the base game.
- 0001–0004 – Sprigatito/Fuecoco
- 0001–0007 – Sprigatito/ Quaxly
- 0004–0007 – Fuecoco/ Quaxly
- 0143-0114 – Drifloon or Drifblim/Misdreavus or Mismagius
- 0166-0167 – Armarouge/Ceruledge
- 0223-0223 – Blaze Breed Paldean Tauros/Aqua Breed Paldean Tauros
- 0227-0140 – Stunky or Skuntank/Gulpin or walot
- 0313-0314 – Oranguru/Passimian
- 0316-0276 – Larvitar or Pupitar or Tyranitar/Bagon or Shelgon or Salamence
- 0319–0320 – Stonjourner/Eiscue
- 0337-0339 – Skrelp or Dragalge/Clauncher or Clawitzer
- 0316-0276 – Deino or Zweilous or Hydreigon/Dreepy or Drakloak or Dragapult
- 0376-0383 – Great Tusk/Iron Treads
- 0377-0383 – Scream Tail/Iron Bundle
- 0378-0384 – Brute Bonnet/Iron Hands
- 0389-0385 – Flutter Mane/Iron Jugulis
- 0380-0386 – Slither Wing/Iron Moth
- 0381-0387 – Sandy Shocks/Iron Thorns
- 0397-0398 – Roaring Moon/Iron Valiant
- 0399-0400 – Koraidon/Miraidon
- 4448-4448 – Ditto/Foreign Language Ditto
How to Use Trade Codes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Using trade codes in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is pretty simple. Open the main menu and head to the Poké Portal, where you need to select the Link Trade option. Finally, “Set Link Code” option and enter the code to initiate the trade. Ensure you are connected to the internet using the Link Trade option.
About the author

Zack Palm
Zack Palm is the Senior Writer of Gamepur and has spent over five years covering video games, and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Oregon State University. He spends his free time biking, running tabletop campaigns, and listening to heavy metal. His primary game beats are Pokémon Go, Destiny 2, Final Fantasy XIV, and any newly released title, and he finds it difficult to pull away from any Star Wars game.